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Renovate or Move? Navigating West Michigan Lakeshore Choices

Dirk Stone

I’m a big believer in supporting local businesses and being out and about...

I’m a big believer in supporting local businesses and being out and about...

Aug 12 1 minutes read

Deciding to spruce up your current home or pack boxes for a new one is a huge fork in the road for many homeowners, especially here on the West Michigan Lakeshore. Each road comes with its scenery and bumps. So, how do you choose between renovating your home and relocating? Let’s walk through this together, focusing on the unique aspects of our local real estate market.

Your Current Home's Condition

First off, assess the current condition of your home. Here in our lakeside slice of heaven, the weather can be a friend and a foe, so consider:

  • Structural Integrity: With our fair share of stormy weather, check for major issues like foundation or roof troubles. These are not just expensive but could be the deciding factor in waving goodbye to your current spot.
  • Space Requirements: Feeling cramped or dreaming of a home office with a view of Lake Michigan? Consider if an extension or rejig of your space could solve this. Remember, local zoning laws may impact your plans, so do your homework.
  • Modernization Needs: If avocado green appliances aren’t your style, figure out if updating your home is worth the investment. Remember, though, charm goes a long way in our market, so some retro features could be a selling point.

Financial Considerations

Money talks, especially when you’re deciding between home renovations and a new address on the West Michigan Lakeshore:

  • Renovation Costs: Get clear estimates and remember that local contractors might charge a premium, especially during peak building seasons. Compare these costs with potential hikes in your property’s value – beachfront upgrades, anyone?
  • Moving Costs: Crunch the numbers on the costs of selling, buying a new place, and moving. West Michigan’s market has its quirks, and waterfront properties command higher fees and taxes.
  • ROI: Renovations in our area, particularly those that enhance views or access to the lake, tend to offer good returns. But, given our vibrant real estate market, landing a new property with better features might also be a solid investment.

Emotional Attachment

Thinking about the emotional ties to your current home has a special twist in our community:

  • Memories and Sentimental Value: If your home has been your personal lighthouse, overlooking years of lakeside sunsets, the thought of leaving might tug at your heartstrings a bit harder.
  • Community and Neighborhood: Our local neighborhoods, from vibrant Holland to serene Saugatuck, each have a unique vibe. Are you ready to trade your current community for a new adventure, or does the thought of leaving your local coffee shop or bakery feel unimaginable?

Lifestyle and Future Plans

Your current and future lifestyle choices play a big part, especially in a place with as much to offer as West Michigan Lakeshore:

  • Long-Term Goals: If you’re setting down roots, sinking some cash into your current home might be the move. On the flip side, if a new job or life stage is on the horizon, scouting out a new location could be wise.
  • Family Needs: Whether it's proximity to top-notch schools or easy access to recreational activities like boating or hiking, consider what’s best for your crew now and down the road.
  • Flexibility: Renovating could let you tailor your home to your perfect vision. But remember, the right move might offer a ready-made dream home plus a new set of local treasures to discover.

Market Conditions

The West Michigan Lakeshore real estate market has its own rhythm:

  • Housing Market Trends: Stay in tune with local market trends. Lakeshore properties, especially those near water, can be hot commodities. Knowing whether it’s a buyer's or seller’s market right now will help you navigate your choices.
  • Renovation Trends: In our neck of the woods, certain renovations—like adding a deck or upgrading windows for a better lake view—can significantly boost your property’s appeal.

Environmental Impact

Considering the sustainability of your choice is paramount in our beautiful, natural setting:

  • Sustainability: Opting to renovate could mean less waste and a smaller environmental footprint. It’s a chance to use green materials and contribute to preserving our stunning lakeside environment.
  • Energy Efficiency: Improvements in energy efficiency not only reduce your bills but also help protect the Lake Michigan ecosystem we all cherish. Whether it’s through renovations or choosing a new energy-efficient home, there are plenty of opportunities to be eco-friendly.


Choosing between breathing new life into your existing home or starting a new chapter elsewhere in West Michigan Lakeshore is no small decision. By weighing your home’s current state, the financial aspects, your personal attachment, lifestyle needs, market conditions, and the environmental impact, you can make a choice that’s right for you and your family. Whether you decide to renovate or relocate, the goal remains the same: to love where you live, making the most of our beautiful lakeshore lifestyle.

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